Find Your Payment Solution
Consumer demand for fast and affordable omnichannel payment solutions is growing exponentially and being driven by technological innovation.
Click the buttons below to find the solution and products that best suit your needs…

Card Payments
Traderoot’s Fintech software and modules are capable of supporting the production of any kind of card product; the integration into the card bureau of your choice; and the full scope of card payments and processing.
Seamless card payments are at your fingertips with our API-based fintech payment solutions.
Card Payments Products
Learn more about our Card Management System (CMS) and Payment Service Provider – Channel (PSP-Channel) products by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Card production and personalisation, cardholder authentication, card status and lifecycle management.
Focuses on the part of the payment journey where transactions originate.

Mobile Payments
Mobile payments are the various payment processing services that operate under financial regulation and are performed from or via a mobile device, as the cardinal class of digital wallet.
Traderoot’s fintech modules and solutions provide a simple plug-and-play solution to institutions seeking to utilise or offer mobile payment services.
Mobile Payments Products
Learn more about our Universal Issuing Platform – Core Account (UIP-Core Account) and Universal Issuing Platform – Electronic Value Distribution (UIP-EVD) products by clicking the links below or by contacting us.
Underlying platform for issuing solutions, manages account holders, accounts and balances, interest and fees.
Value added services, voucher warehousing and distribution.

Digital Wallets
Digital wallets, mobile wallets or e-wallets are an electronic device, online service, or software program that allows one party to engage in electronic transactions with another party bartering digital currency. Examples of digital wallets are Google Pay and Apple Pay.
Traderoot’s fintech software manages a store of value in a warehousing system while also enabling seamless payment solutions and the deployment of value-added services that open non-traditional revenue opportunities.
Digital Wallets Products
Learn more about our Universal Issuing Platform – Core Account (UIP-Core Account) product and Mobile Pay Solution by clicking the links below or by contacting us.
Underlying platform for issuing solutions, manages account holders, accounts and balances, interest and fees.
Holistic mobile payment and transactional capability across all channels.

E-commerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling over the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions.
As e-commerce expands across the African continent, so PSPs offering comprehensive, secure and affordable e-commerce payment solutions stand to benefit from this growth.
E-Commerce Products
Learn more about our Payment Service Provider – Channel (PSP-Channel) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Focuses on the part of the payment journey where transactions originate.

Contactless Payments
Contactless payment solutions allow consumers to make payments using their cards with RFID technology – also known as chip cards. The chip communicates with a reader device that uses radio frequency or Near Field Communication (NFC) standards to facilitate the transaction.
Traderoot has a comprehensive range of fintech products that enable the efficient rollout of contactless payment solutions.
Contactless Payments Products
Learn more about our Payment Service Provider – Channel (PSP-Channel) and Card Management System (CMS) products by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Focuses on the part of the payment journey where transactions originate.
Card production and personalisation, cardholder authentication, card status and lifecycle management.

Remittance is the action of sending money in payment, a money exchange using a transfer. Non-commercial transfer of money. (Cross-border payments: financial transactions where the payer and the recipient are based in separate countries.)
Traderoot Africa is a certified Transactions Cleared on an Immediate Basis (TCIB) integration partner. TCIB is an agreement between all of the countries that make up the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to permit the immediate clearance of single credit “push” transactions
Remittance Products
Learn more about our Payment Service Provider – Acquirer (PSP-Acquirer) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
A system that is responsible for the acquisition, aggregation, routing, merchant management, and settlement of transactions.

B2B Payments
Business-to-Business (B2B) payments refers to the transfer of money from the buyer to the supplier for goods or services supplied.
Traderoot has the ideal solution for corporate banking operators and large-scale retail corporates who need a trusted framework for payments and transaction settlement.
B2B Payments Products
Learn more about our Billing and Reconciliation Engine (BRE) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Versatile transaction processing solution comprising reconciliation and automated billing.

ACH Solutions
Automatic Clearing Houses (ACH) solutions enable the transfer of money from one bank account to another without using paper checks, credit card networks, wire transfers, or cash. ACH’s provide the financial network that’s used for electronic payments and money transfers.
For example, ACHs facilitate the direct deposit from an employer (your paycheck), the payment of bills with a bank account, or the transfer of funds from one bank account to another.
ACH Solutions Products
Learn more about our Payment System Operator (PSO) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Our PSO product assists Automatic Clearing Houses (ACH) or Regional Clearing Operators (RCO) with clearing, reconciliation, billing and settlement of domestic, regional and international payment streams.
Omnichannel Payments Made Simple
Traderoot’s range of fintech payment solutions offer a quick, simple and cost-effective solution to established and emerging Payment Service Providers (PSPs) seeking to enter or expand their share in the merchant payment market. From contactless and mobile, to traditional card payment and settlement solutions, Traderoot’s payment products are the solution you have been searching for.

Global Partners
Comprehensive Fintech Solutions for Payment Service Providers
Traderoot provides advanced, global, PCI PA-DSS certified and validated payment solutions which leverage the latest technology to provide direct business benefits. This allows our customers to rapidly offer their user communities new products and services and grow their payment transaction volumes and value.
Based on application depth and modular technology, Traderoot can offer customised and comprehensive omnichannel payment solutions across a variety of sectors and verticals.
Understanding the technical jargon in the FinTech industry can be a challenge.
Click here to explore Traderoot's glossary and gain a better understanding of these terms.