What Banking Solution are you Looking for?
The banking industry is evolving rapidly due to the impact of digital and technological innovations. Browse the categories below to find the solution and products that best suit your needs…

Neobanks are new-age banks without any physical location and that exist entirely online. Neobanks operate solely digitally and the money they save allows them to operate with significantly lower costs than traditional banks.
Traderoot has a comprehensive range of fintech products that will fast-track the development and deployment of neobanking platforms and solutions.
Neobanking Products
Learn more about our Universal Issuing Platform – Core Account product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
This product provides the underlying platform for issuing solutions.

Agency Banking
Agency banking involves using local agents to reach unbanked customers and allows banks to contract third-party retail networks as banking agents. A Banking Agent can be a retail or postal outlet contracted by a financial institution or a mobile network operator to process clients’ transactions.
Traderoot enables Banking Agents to provide their clients with the ability to make fast, secure and affordable banking payments and other transactions using our payment rails and without being set up as a bank.
Agency Banking Products
Learn more about our Universal Issuing Platform – Core Account (UIP-Core Account) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
This product provides the underlying platform for issuing solutions.

Open Banking
Open Banking is the practice of enabling secure interoperability in the banking industry by allowing third-party payment service and other financial service providers to access banking transactions and other data from banks and financial institutions.
Traderoot’s ready-made fintech modules offer a simple and affordable solution to banks and other Financial Service Providers (FSPs) seeking to offer Open Banking services.
Open Banking Products
Learn more about our Universal Issuing Platform – Core Account (UIP-Core Account) and Payment Service Provider – Acquirer (PSP-Acquirer) products by clicking the links below or by contacting us.
This product provides the underlying platform for issuing solutions.
Transaction acquisition, aggregation and routing, merchant management and settlement.

Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) is a business model that allows Non-Financial Companies to provide services typically associated with a bank or financial institution, without the need for their own banking licence. This allows non-banks to offer core financial services to their customers by integrating with banks via APIs. So, in short, BaaS is the process of supplying banking products to non-bank third parties through APIs.
Our Fintech products enable non-banks to offer core banking services without having to build all the required products themselves, enabling the rapid expansion into the banking sector.
Banking-as-a-Service Products
Learn more about our full stack of BaaS fintech products by clicking the links below or by contacting us.
This product provides the underlying platform for issuing solutions.
Value added services, voucher warehousing and distribution.
Card production and personalisation, cardholder authentication, card status and lifecycle management.
Focuses on the part of the payment journey where transactions originate.
Transaction acquisition, aggregation and routing, merchant management and settlement.
Our PSO product assists Automatic Clearing Houses (ACH) or Regional Clearing Operators (RCO) with clearing, reconciliation, billing and settlement of domestic, regional and international payment streams.
Versatile transaction processing solution comprising reconciliation and automated billing.

Card Services
Card Services are the services provided by the Bank to Cardholders through the use of Cards, and all customer service in connection with Cards.
Traderoot’s fintech modules are capable of supporting the full range of card products and card payment solutions.
Card Services Products
Learn more about our Payment Service Provider – Channel (PSP-Channel), Payment Service Provider – Acquirer (PSP-Acquirer), and Card Management System (CMS) products by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Focuses on the part of the payment journey where transactions originate.
Transaction acquisition, aggregation and routing, merchant management and settlement.
Card production and personalisation, cardholder authentication, card status and lifecycle management.

Remittance is the action of sending money in payment, a money exchange using a transfer. Non-commercial transfer of money. (Cross-border payments: financial transactions where the payer and the recipient are based in separate countries.)
Traderoot Africa is a certified Transactions Cleared on an Immediate Basis (TCIB) integration partner. TCIB is an agreement between all of the countries that make up the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to permit the immediate clearance of single credit “push” transactions
Remittance Products
Learn more about our Universal Issuing Platform – Electronic Value Distribution (UIP-EVD) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Value added services, voucher warehousing and distribution.

Reconciliation is the process of comparing transactions and activities with supporting documentation. Resolving any discrepancies.
The Traderoot Billing and Reconciliation Engine is the ideal solution for corporate banking operators and large-scale retail corporates who need a trusted framework for procurement, remittance, and transaction settlement.
Reconciliation Products
Learn more about our Billing and Reconciliation Engine (BRE) product by clicking the link below or by contacting us.
Versatile transaction processing solution comprising reconciliation and automated billing.
Comprehensive Fintech Solutions for the Banking Industry
Traderoot has developed a range of fintech products that are ideal for established banks seeking to enhance their digital and mobile banking services and products; or emerging fintechs, neobanks, mobile network operators, and other financial services providers seeking to enter the banking industry.
The Traderoot Enterprise Platform (TEP) forms the proprietary backbone of our system, enabling seamless and scalable integration into legacy and emerging systems, whether at a modular level or as an end-to-end solution.
Banking Made Easy
The Traderoot Enterprise Platform (TEP) provides the perfect base to quickly, simply, and cost-effectively build various fintech solutions, including products like a “Bank-in-a-Box”, or services such as Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS) or Open Banking.

Understanding the technical jargon in the FinTech industry can be a challenge.
Click here to explore Traderoot's glossary and gain a better understanding of these terms.